Fitness Stumble…er Dance.

One year post pregnancy and I’m not doing too bad weight wise (thank you breastfeeding!!). However, I have the energy of, well, a new mom. In hopes to keep up with my son and daycare kids, I started Zumba! Oh my. Let me tell you. My hips, arms, and legs physically cannot move in rhythm at…

News Reports

I’m not sure if it’s like this everywhere, so someone please tell me if my town is not alone, but the comments on the stories our local news station posts are the most amusing, ridiculous, and best things ever. This particular story was about four kids removed from their home that were covered in bug…

Kids Are Funny

I think I figured out why I love doing daycare so much. Kids are HILARIOUS! Just the other day I had a conversation with my 2 year old boy about a baby living in his belly button. The kids are always doing something to put a smile on my face. Found this on the wonderful…

8 Big Guys

Confession time: I am never satisfied with just taking one picture. For every picture I share, there are at least five more practically identical on my phone.