Fitness Stumble…er Dance.

One year post pregnancy and I’m not doing too bad weight wise (thank you breastfeeding!!). However, I have the energy of, well, a new mom. In hopes to keep up with my son and daycare kids, I started Zumba!

Oh my. Let me tell you. My hips, arms, and legs physically cannot move in rhythm at the same time!
I’m pretty sure if I looked like the girls in the bottom
picture, it would be an improvement.


I find myself trying really hard to get the moves right when the instructor looks at me. Oh shoot, she’s looking this way….shimmy shimmy…shake….step…step….WHEW she’s not looking I can breathe! Or when we do a move that makes everyone turn around, putting me in the front. Don’t trip… don’t fall… You don’t even need to get all the moves right, just don’t end up on your face!!


Even with my lack of coordination, it’s still a lot of fun. I find myself dancing around the house even more often than I did before. I also have noticed an increase in energy (yes!) and I’m always in a great mood when I get done.

You want to know the best part? There are two women in my class in their 70′s. SEVENTIES! How awesome is that? I hope I’m that amazing when I’m their age. Zumba is pretty saucy. I can only hope I’m still shaking my hips in my 70′s ;)

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